5 - 8 May 2022 – First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® at NZ Spirit Festival 2022

5 - 8 May 2022 – First Light Flower Essence of New Zealand® at NZ Spirit Festival 2022

Our team loved meeting new friends and connecting with kindred souls during a very successful and magic filled four days at NZ Spirit Festival at Kumeu Showgrounds in Auckland last weekend, 5-8 May 2022 - see photos and amazing stories shared by the team below. 

With thousands of people visiting the festival the mini-consultations and personalised flower essence blends at our stand were very popular. 

Day 1:
The Magic and Wonder Begins...

Team: Lana and Yelena

The Psychic Reader Visits Our Stand 

Our first visitor Cathie pulls No 80 Raglan Roseberry card - the Clarity essence for enhancing psychic abilities. Guess what Cathie’s business is? She is a psychic reader based in Waiheke Island.

A Young Man with Trays of Karaka Plants

A young man makes a beeline to our stand feeling drawn to The Sacred Plant Medicine of Aotearoa Volume One book. He tells us he knows nothing about flower essences but is interested in learning about New Zealand native plants.

During a little chat we find out that he is thinking about planting some native plants around the perimeter of his newly acquired country-side property but cannot decide which plant to use. He says: yesterday a friend unexpectedly dropped off several trays of Karaka plants, so maybe they would be perfect.

The young man asks if there is a plant that is special to him. We look up his 'power flower'.... It's No 27 Karaka - the Knowledge essence - knowing each day brings opportunities and believing everything will work out! Needless to say he walks away holding a bottle of No 27 Karaka in his hands.

The Police Officer and a Sense of Humour

Then comes a police officer wearing the uniform in between his call outs and happens to get No 77 Clematis card - the Humour essence - power used wisely, not taking yourself too seriously and keeping one's sense of humour. We think he saw the humour in that.

Day 2:
Magic Continues... Girl Power

Team: Yelena and Jodi

The Story of the Four Little Girls

Two little girls about 6 years old come over to our stall and are instantly drawn to the three First Light Natural Health® Trio of Empowerment© blends. One girl picks the No Fear Support© blend and tells us that in the morning she was feeling nervous about coming to the festival and told her mum that she made a wish to have no fear. Well... her wish has come true!

The second girl picks the Inner Stability Support© and asks us 'What does it do?' We reply, 'Wait a moment and you will feel it.'

Two hours later the two little girls are running back to our stall talking over each other ‘Wow we really love how these flower essences make us feel, we have brought a friend with us. Can she pick a blend too?’

An hour later they are back for more… This time they are a team of four!

Popular Singer and Our Much Loved Practitioner

Later in the afternoon our long-time practitioner Sarah Spence visits our stall bringing a friend with her. Sarah who is currently working with the Shamanic Collection tells us she has just bought a shamanic drum and is looking forward to her singing performance this afternoon - see photo.


Day 3:
The Healers

Team: Jodi and Julia

The 'Psychic Sisters' and the Cooperation Essence

What are the chances of two ladies who are long term best friends pulling exactly the same card from the deck of 128 cards?

They each shuffle the cards and both get No 93 Kiokio - Metaphysical Sensitivity from the Healers Collection. These two ladies are so stoked by the synchronicity they each immediately book in for a mini consultation.

How surprised are we, and they, when we find out that they both have the same 'power flower' No 20 Wineberry - the Cooperation essence - see photo!!

‘I Must Have This Book!’ Said Lauren

Lauren tells us that she first saw the book The Sacred Plant Medicine of Aotearoa Volume One when she was shopping at a health food store…. she said to herself ‘I must have this book!’ And she did.

Lauren was so inspired by the book, she is now working on enrolling into our Diploma training to become a fully qualified flower essence practitioner. We are excited to watch Lauren's journey and progress unfold - see photo of Lauren holding the book below.

A Naturopath Cat Neal Visiting, Julia 'Out of the Office'

Cat Neal one of our amazing registered practitioners visits the stall - see photo below - Cat (on the left) with Julia (on the right). Many of you know Julia’s voice and receive her emails. Julia is usually in the office answering emails and phone calls from our customers and students. Out of the office over the weekend Julia has been busy doing flower essence consultations and making up personalised blends for visitors... and absolutely loving it!


Day 4:
The Plants Calling

Team: Lana and Julia

A Small World Indeed

Natasha Rawiri, one of our students who is working towards achieving her Certificate in New Zealand Native Flower Essence Therapy visits our stand. Natasha has three early childhood education centres, Tree Tops, and has loved her journey learning about First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® with our First Light® tutor, Anna Gentry in Tukukaka Coast. A small world indeed!

Natasha asks us to make a First Light® Constitutional Blend© to help her complete her studies to become a qualified flower essences practitioner.

First Ever Flower Essence Blend

Then comes Emiliano from Brazil and receives his first EVER blend of flower essences that we had the pleasure making for him. Then he asks us to make one for his girlfriend too! Emiliano came to New Zealand three years ago and has had an amazing journey of rebirth and self discovery while being in New Zealand, and is fascinated by the New Zealand native plants.

The Little Girl Smiled

A lovely family with a young girl stops by and we make a First Light® Constitutional Blend© for her. The little girl smiles as soon as mum gives her the drops! Mum feel inspired and buys a copy of The Sacred Plant Medicine of Aotearoa Volume One!

The Plants Calling Attention

Waimotu who grows Kakabeak plants comes up and buys herself a stock bottle of No 83 Kakabeak - the Completion essence to support a sense of stability and help enhance holistic living. We never stop being amazed by the wonderful many ways plants draw our attention.

An Artist Amanda Who Lives in a Kauri Forest

Then Amanda, an artist who lives in a kauri forest is delighted to read about the holistic healing properties of No 47 Kauri - the Beauty essence - to support enhanced soul expression in daily life. Amanda says the essence's keyword 'Beauty' is just what she needs right now.




Much gratitude goes to all the people who made the festival and our stand a great success. On this image is Lana (far left) with some of the NZ Spirit Festival team. We look forward to being there again in 2023 and cannot wait to connect with more like-minded people who feel inspired and drawn to join our rapidly growing wonderful First Light® family.